Class Action


Thank you for your interesting in supporting the Boneheads Class Action.

This Class Action against the Defendants known as the “Boneheads team” has been brought forward by Mr. Taylan McRae-Yu, who is acting in a representative capacity for the benefit of thousands of consumers who purchased the Boneheads NFT. Mr. McRae-Yu is represented by a sole practitioner in Ottawa, Ontario.

Your donation, which can be sent directly to the Ethereum address as shown, will directly go towards supporting this litigation such as:

  • Disbursements – Court Filing Fees; Fees to Obtain Transcripts; Notary/Commissioner Fees; Third Party Fees such as hiring Process Servers or Sheriff’s to Enforce Judgments.
  • Litigation Fees – Fees to prepare materials, including Motion Materials; Fees to Gather Affidavit Evidence; and Expert Report Fees; and
  • Adverse Costs – Cost awards that may be ordered against the Plaintiff;
  • Legal Fees – Reasonable legal fees for Delawyer Professional Corporation and any other lawyers that are retained in this matter.

Funds that are raised will be used in the order in which they are received. Any funds that are remaining at the conclusion of this litigation will be returned to donors at their option. The total cost of litigation will not be known until the matter has reached a final resolution.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly at ” [email protected]” or by clicking the “Contact” tab. 

Donations can be sent directly to the following Ethereum cryptocurrency address:

  • boneheadsclassaction.eth 
  • 0xed7639496626733513FF2Ff7d34FEd2286116064
Why Ethereum? All transactions are publicly viewable on the Ethereum network. To view all blockchain activity related to this address, please see the Etherscan website here

We thank you again for your generous support and donation!